1. mlblogosphere@yahoo.com

    Also, David isn’t blogging this season so you might want to remove that link or else it’s just an archive. He’s a pretty busy dude as you can imagine.

  2. Zoe

    Mark, I would have been nicer if the Cards hadn’t acted so badly last year–and Looper was the worst of them all!

    I’ll leave the D-Wright archive up, at least for a while!

  3. phurrballe@aol.com

    I’m with you Zoe!! If the Cards ended last season with class and did not disrespect our Mets, the bird pic would have been a little mean (only a little !!). But since they they had fun rubbing our loss in our faces on our field, the pic is perfect!!!

    I also hope it was a fake bird you had there 🙂

    Lee Ellen

  4. wolffman98@aol.com

    A picture is worth a thousand words… I can’t wait until you put a brave up there next (however you can do that?)

  5. thewrightfans@yahoo.com

    A poor birdie… well the one in the pic at least *smirks*

    Hope all is well. So are you buying anything from what you saw?



  6. Jaq

    Well I guess you can’t put a dead Brave up there if you lose two outta three to them. Nice game against the Phils last night though. Anyone who wants to talk Mets/Braves baseball (all in good spirit) come comment at my site. I’m just looking for baseball fans who wanna chat about the greatest game ever in a friendly way. I love the rivalry the Mets and Braves got going on and I’d like to talk with fans as the season goes on. Just keep it clean and respectful and centered on the game. Hope to hear from you!

  7. Zoe

    Julie–there were lots of tales of truly awful sportsmanship, from the players yelling and cursing at fans (including kids!) from the visitor’s dugout, to Looper leading a team-wide chant of “Jose Jose Jose” in the locker room. They just didn’t act classy, sorry to say.

  8. Julie

    Zoe – well, I am sorry to hear that happened. Obviously, that didn’t make the news here in the Lou. I guess I’d just say let those without sin cast the first stone, because Looper certainly got a hostile reception in Shea. I certainly had insults hurled my way when I wore a Cardinals cap to Shea back when I lived in Queens. NYC stadiums can be very unwelcoming to visiting teams and their fans. But then drunk Cards fans at Busch Stadium can be total jerks too – I’ve witnessed that too. Both St Louis and NYC are great baseball towns and I do hope our teams will get a rematch in the NLCS this year and behave better 🙂



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